Safety First: Securing Your Home and Business

Whether you own a business or home, keeping it safe is critical. But sometimes even the most vigilant safety measures aren't enough to keep out intruders. I own a small food store in my neighborhood. I didn't use a security system or camera to monitor my store. Instead, I relied on my employees and other businesses to keep an eye out for crime. But one night after closing time, someone broke into my store and stole money and many other items. Because I didn't have a security camera or alarm in place, the police couldn't take immediate action to apprehend the thief. I learned a valuable lesson that night. I took action and had a security system installed on the premises. It was the best decision I ever made. My blog offers tips on how to keep your company or home safe. Remember, safety should always be first.

Different Types Of Bail Bonds


When law enforcement arrests you, your first thought is usually getting out of jail as quickly as possible. The best way to do this is by contacting a bail bond agency and having them post your bond. But many people do not realize that there are several different types of bonds the court may impose or accept, depending on your charges. Some courts may even let you choose which one you post. Here are a few of them.

Surety Bonds

The most common type of bond most people encounter is a surety bond. You usually sign a surety bond with a bail bond agency and the court. The contract states that in exchange for the bail bondsman posting your bond, you will pay a premium, and the court will release you from jail. 

Property Bonds

Some courts will accept the deed or title of specific properties in exchange for your release. There are often criteria attached to property bonds. For example, some courts require that your property be worth much more than your bond. They may also require the property location to be in the state of your arrest. This requirement makes it easier for the court to apply a property lien. 

To post a property bond, there are numerous things you must present. Some of these include the following:

  • Your deed
  • A current tax statement
  • A current mortgage statement

In addition to these documents, anyone listed on the deed must be present with a picture ID to sign the bond. 

Federal Bail Bonds

If the police or ICE arrest you on federal charges, you may find yourself with federal bail bonds. Unfortunately, these bonds are usually much higher than other surety bonds and can be more challenging to obtain. Not every 24-hour bail bonds agencies are qualified to post federal bail bonds. 

Immigration Bail Bonds

If you are not in the U.S. legally, your arrest may result in an immigration bail bond. In addition to your charges, you may be facing deportation. These bonds come with very stringent court requirements, and consider additional factors before your release.

Because of your ties to other countries, the court may view you as a higher flight risk. The higher your risk, the higher your bond. The court will consider your employment status and your family ties in the United States. Fortunately, most bail bond agencies will assist you in paying the surety immigration bond.

If you do not want to go this route, you can ask your friends and family to post a cash bond for the total amount. The court will refund the money once your hearings are complete, but know that the refund can take time.

Reach out to a bail bond agency near you to learn more.


20 March 2023