Security System Questions And Answers


If you are thinking about having a residential video surveillance system or security system installed in your home then you want to educate yourself on some of the most commonly asked questions regarding security systems and the answers to those questions. Here are some of the more commonly asked questions about security systems and the answers to those questions. Aren't all security systems generally the same? No, there are many different types of security systems so everyone will be able to find one that specifically meets their needs.

24 February 2017

Questions To Help You Avoid Profiling Someone When You Work As A Security Guard


When you work as a security guard, one of the biggest assets you can possess is being impartial. Because you're an authority figure, those around you — which includes those you're protecting and even those you may be investigating — rely on you to be as neutral as possible. For some people, this can be a challenge, especially when it comes to profiling people from certain ethnic or social groups. In order to avoid treating anyone unfairly, it's important to be cognizant of how you're approaching different people and ensure that you aren't profiling anyone.

24 February 2017

Don't Shy Away From Giving These Verbal Commands To People When You Work In Security


Much of the success you experience when working as a security guard for a company like A P I Security depends on your ability to communicate with members of the public. Given that you'll often be talking with people when they're upset — perhaps they've been assaulted in an area that you patrol or perhaps you've detained them — it's important that you keep the situation under control. To this end, you shouldn't shy away from giving clear verbal commands to people who are behaving in a manner that isn't conducive to calming down the situation, or that may even be threatening to you.

24 February 2017

3 Reasons Why a Video Verification Alarm System Could Be Beneficial to Your Business


If you own any kind of office or store that is easily accessible to foot traffic, you likely take some steps to securely lock down the building every evening before you leave. You likely also have an alarm system installed that will inform you or the police if someone does try to break in. But today, more and more businesses are opting to install an alarm attached to a video verification system.

17 February 2017

Tips For Keeping Your Valuables Safe


Safely protecting your family possessions requires planning, a little cunning, and some careful thought. Whether you have family heirlooms, precious gems, or firearms in the house, you need to consider these tips about how to make security a top priority and keep your valuables safe. Don't Advertise The fewer people who know about the valuables in your home, the safer your valuables are. To ensure the best security, don't advertise that you keep valuables inside your house.

16 February 2017

Protect Your Tools In Your Truck Bed Or Trailer: What To Know


If you have a business where you haul tools around in the back of a truck or a trailer, than you need to make sure you are protecting the items that you have in your truck the best that you can. There are a lot of different things that you can do to help keep the tools and other items safe without having to take everything out of the vehicle at night.

13 February 2017

Locksmith Services Can Make Home Security Almost Bulletproof


Locksmiths do a solid job of installing high-grade security locking systems on doors and windows. Industrial strength door knobs with connecting locks are not exactly easy for a burglar or home invader to breach. As good as the locks are, the door itself may present security lapses. Even a very solid door presents potential risks. While a good door may be difficult for an intruder to break down, the door won't stop bullets.

10 February 2017